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Rick and Morty Season 7 Review: Return to Greatness for This Introspective Show

Rick and Morty Season 7 is an amazing season of TV that perfectly shows off why this show is worth your attention
Rick and Morty Season 7 promotional material.
Rick and Morty Season 7 promotional material.
Prime Video

Rick and Morty Season 7 was released on Max and Hulu on Jan. 22nd. Season 7 of Rick and Morty had its last episode air on Dec. 17th to much critical acclaim from both critics and audience. After a general conscientious that season 6 of Rick and Morty was less than great, season 7 has brought hope back to the previously struggling show, giving us some of the best episodes and moments in the show.   

While season 6 of the series left the fandom split on the quality and direction of the show, with some poor episodes and jokes. Season 7 of Rick and Morty, while not perfect, is a vast improvement in the right direction and leaves the fandom quite hopeful about the future direction of the show.   

I believe what makes this season such an improvement over the previous is the simple fact that it’s very plot and character-focused, with the exception of episodes 7 & 8. For example, Episode 4 offers not only a genuinely great episode that offers an introspective look at the corporation of suffering in society, but additionally, this episode offers maybe my favorite scene in the entire show. I don’t want to spoil it too much so I will simply say that it’s a beautiful roughly 5-minute segment showing off the complexity of life through a random new character, showing off the lows and highs of life. It’s segments such as this one that I believe to be the true appeal of Rick and Morty, outside of the pessimistic comedy and unattached nature of the characters, there lies a deep layer of meaning that tackles serious topics and aspects of life that are so well done that they can even trigger emotional reactions.   

However, this season did possess my favorite episode in the entire show, episode 10. This episode is spectacular, it shows off Morty’s inner fear after encountering a “fear hole” in a truly intriguing way that I would have never guessed. This episode has some amazing monologues and great character moments that aren’t often seen in the show. Also serves as an excellent and my favorite finale for a season.  

Unfortunately, this season is not all perfect, as mentioned before episodes 7 and 8 and quite bad, especially episode 8. Usually, I wouldn’t go out of my way to discuss bad episodes, but episode 8 is so impressively bad that it’s actually jarring, for some reference, this is the lowest-rated episode in the entire show and is coincidently the only episode in the show without Rick in it.   

This season also saw some truly incredible plot episodes such as episode 5 which saw the conclusion of Ricks long endearing quest for revenge for his family, being a truly excellent depiction of a revenge story that some other media like Last of Us part struggle to capture. However, this season is more than just plot and introspective scenes, after all, Rick and Morty is known for its comedy which this season does not fail at in the slightest. Episode 5 especially had one of the funniest bits in the entire show.   

To summarize, this new season of Rick and Morty has restored much good faith to the series name, drawing in new fans to the show while bringing old fans back on board for future seasons. Truly a great season and if you haven’t given Rick and Morty a shot yet you should I highly recommend it. I used to dismiss this show because I thought that it was just a South Park or Family Guy clone, but that couldn’t be further from the truth, this show is truly revolutionary in the concepts it tackles and the executions it has over them, definitely a show worth your time that may even leave you changed by the end of your viewing.   

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About the Contributor
Hello everyone, I am Senior Keegan Cunningham and this is my 4th year of CJAM and my 7th year of Journalism all starting back at John Hopkins Middle School. Journalism has been invaluable to my growth as a person and has taught me many useful skills, and I hope all of the people in CJAM get all the positive experiences out of this program that I did. My favorite movie is Kung-Fu Panda 2, my favorite video game is Skyrim and my favorite show is Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. Also join my comic club!
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