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FBLA District Competitions Kick Off at Lakewood High School

The Future Business Leaders of America, better known as FBLA have begun District Competitions for the 2023-2024 school year.
Photo of all the people at the FBLA event
Photo of all the people at the FBLA event

District competitions are the main event of the year for FBLA students and are the kick-off for the state and national competitions.  During this time of year, students can participate in a variety of competitions such as public speaking, broadcast journalism, and so much more.

FBLA holds a lot of great opportunities for students, “FBLA is a great organization for students in networking, and learning leadership skills in public speaking, and in like etiquette and travel,” Network Administrator and FBLA Adviser Chris Borg said.

During preparation for districts, students get to work with each other on their submissions for districts and they get to learn about how to work together.

“Being in FBLA has helped me with accountability and just general leadership skills, like how to work with a team, and how to work with people who you don’t get along with the best,” Senior President of Lakewood High School FBLA Macie Sullivan said.

FBLA also has a lot of events throughout the year allowing the students the opportunity to travel all over the state and even the country.

“I really love the field trips. So, I love states and nationals, and also just the community there nice,” Sullivan said.

It is Sullivan’s last year at Lakewood High School. FBLA helped her home in on a lot of skills and created some amazing memories for her.

“I’m, like, excited to move on to the next chapter of my life. And I am sure that next year, they’ll have a really good FBLA,” Sullivan said.

FBLA offers amazing opportunities for students and can help students build foundational skills for any future occupation. Not only does FBLA do that, but it also has a beautiful hardworking community, where every member gets to make memories.

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About the Contributor
My name is Zephyniis but most people call me Zephy, and this year I’m SNN’s Opinion Editor! I’m really passionate about journalism and I think that it’s super cool that through journalism I am able to help people better understand the things that are going on around us. Through journalism, I can also help people form their own opinions about an event and their actions toward what they will do about the problems or issues going on around us. I also love music a lot. I collect vinyl and play guitar! I can’t wait to work with you guys and I’m so excited to see what we will do with SNN this year! 
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