Senior and Editor In-Chief Autumn Peelar accepts award from journalism teacher Christopher Mosher at the Poynter Institute on May 9.
Senior and Editor In-Chief Autumn Peelar accepts award from journalism teacher Christopher Mosher at the Poynter Institute on May 9.
Iloa James

A Night of Journalistic Achievement

The Lakewood High School Center for Journalism and Multimedia (CJAM) program celebrated journalism students on May 9 at the Poynter Institute.

The CJAM program at Lakewood High School hosted its annual banquet on May 9 at the Poynter Institute. Students were given awards based off their hard work throughout the year which were determined by Journalism teacher Christopher Mosher. Along with awards being given out, the 2024-2025 editor positions were announced at the banquet.

This year’s banquet was special because it highlighted the Addressing a Broken Promise documentary. This was a significant steppingstone for the CJAM program because multiple students from Lakewood participated in the documentary.

Some of new editor positions for the 2024-2025 school year consists of Keegan Cunningham- Editor in Chief, Owen Blair-Catala- Web Developer, Jules East- Breaking News Editors, and James Lynch- Trends Editor.

“I’ve never seen myself in a leadership role, but I will do as much good as I can to make this program more engaging for the students,” Cunningham said.

Some awards given out that night was The Above and Beyond award to Cunningham, The Star Employee to Margarita Munoz, The Go-getter award to East, and The Helping Hand award to Iloa James.

Towards the end of the banquet, scholarships were also handed out to journalism seniors by Journeys in Journalism board members. Senior Edwin Paulino received the Peggy Peterman book scholarship along with the Cynda Mort scholarship.

Special shoutout to Livy O’s as they catered food for the event. Spring rolls, cream corn, pineapple upside-down cake, and shish kabobs were some of the offerings at the banquet.

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MARGARITA MUNOZ, Social Media Editor
Hi, I'm Margarita Munoz and I'm Social Media Editor has been since last year and this is my third year in the CJAM program. In my free time, I like to play the flute and listen to R&B music. This year I hope to take more photos while she usually focuses on writing and to get more involved in school activities.
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