As the school year has started many things have changed from the previous years like the staff, the rules, but one of the biggest changes is the new V.I.B.E.
Vibe stands for Value, Intentional, Be Present, Excellence. Vibe is a beneficial process that motivates students to set goals, make good choice, and succeed in the school system.
“The way their talking it seems like vibing might be fun,” Senior Jamarion Ross said.
If you vibe, then that can lead you to getting PBIS points. PBIS points is a system where if you are doing what you are supposed to be doing then you can get rewards with your points. To get PBIS points you should value your education and others education, that means respecting your time in school and others time in school, like not disrupting the class and doing your work.
Being intentional by intentionally making the right choices. Being present by participating in class and showing excellence by helping others in need.
If you do all the things, you can earn PBIS points and attend events that will be very fun. You can also spend your PBIS points at the PBIS store. At this store they have many things like chips, candy, and even clothes you can purchase with your points. You can also go to special events if you have enough points.
“I can’t wait to see if the events they will be having will be lame or fun,” sophomore Khalan Davis said.
If you have any negative consequences though like a referral, you’re not allowed to attend these special events because if you have a referral you have failed to pass the vibe check.
Vibing can bring a fun and positive aspect to school if you vibe the right way.