Editorial: construction – what is the hold up?
Construction that’s been in the works since March 2021 is finally coming to a close.
As we all know, construction at Lakewood High School has been going on for a while now. Principal Erin Savage has been estimating due dates since March of 2021 when it all began and finally, we are close to completion. The remodels have already made positive impacts for our campus.
Since the start of the process, buildings such as B-wing, C-wing and the auditorium have been worked on. All buildings have or will receive new ceilings, lights, flooring, doors, and paint. Excitement filled the halls and opinions were passed around the school about the changes. Spartans enjoy the newer look of the classrooms and the cleaner look of the restrooms.
“I love the renovations. They make the school look a lot better. I just hope that the students take care of the work that has been done,” Principal Savage wrote in an email.
A-wing is the last building awaiting completion and it is the oldest building which is why it requires all the time and work. As of last week, Savage has confirmed an estimated date to be sometime before Spring Break. No matter how, the date it should be done is still not certain.
With the new area between A-wing and B-wing, there are less trees blocking the space and there are seating areas where students can feel the sun and hang out during lunch and other free time. Another favorite remodel is the door behind C-wing, leading to the outside parking lot. It is gated and roofless, giving us the fresh air, we enjoy during the day and the gated protection from the parking lot outside of the door.
Savage believes a “con” about the construction process is having to relocate teachers and students. As A-wing is being done, the teachers who held classes there have had to move into portables near the basketball court. Luckily, everyone will be able to go back to their rooms in no time.
“Dr. Dywayne Hinds, Area 3 Superintendent purchased new furniture for each classroom,” she wrote.
Each wing has its own color scheme and remarkably similar physical renovations. Another beneficial adjustment is the Athletic Stadium receiving new restrooms and concession stands for home team and visitors. With the upgrades, Lakewood was able to get rid of the old port-o-potties. Not only did those restrooms improve, but the new restrooms in the completed buildings also have a clean modern look and seem as spacious as ever.
Unfortunately, we cannot always enjoy the new washrooms as a downside to the construction process. Of course, the work in A-wing takes time which is understandable however the options for bathrooms during the school day are between the B-wing bathrooms which are locked half the time and the hub bathrooms that are ridiculously small and cramped.
“Due to construction, bathrooms in the buildings being renovated obviously have to be closed. The other bathroom closures have been due to student vandalism and other inappropriate activities (vaping, fighting, skipping),” Savage wrote.
Aside from any bathroom struggles, Lakewood High School has upped their game. Not only are the renovations nice on the inside, but the outside view of the school is just as good. The aesthetic school sign and the parking lot’s clean-cut renewed scene is pleasing to the eye.
The campus makeover set a new tone for the school that feels airy and calm, especially with the new colors and the open areas. Once the construction is complete, we will be able to enjoy the entire campus in its renewed and restored state. The positives outweigh any negatives of the construction, completely. The changes are creating an even better educational environment for Spartans.