Club picture day is fast approaching

Tuesday, Jan. 24, Lifetouch comes to the Lakewood gymnasium to take photos for all the clubs for the 2022-23 yearbook.

DEJAH BOYD | Alpha-Omega

A Lifetouch photographer stands on a ladder to take the CAT senior photo during club picture day 2019. This year’s club picture day is Jan. 24 in the gym.


The time for club pictures is quickly approaching.

All clubs along with the seniors of each academy – CJAM, AMSET, CAT and ALMA – will be photographed by Lifetouch on Jan. 24 all day in the Lakewood gym. Students are expected to wear their club shirts if they’re applicable. These pictures will be featured in the 2022-2023 yearbook.

Spartans who are a part of a club must talk to their sponsor to find out their scheduled time for pictures and they will provide passes.

“I think it’s important that kids participate in club picture day because it gives them a chance to be recognized for their extracurricular activates and to be in the yearbook,” Journalism teacher Jade Shiver-Miller said.