Spartans begin a new school year

The 2022-2023 school year has officially begun.

The school year of 2023 is now in full swing at all Pinellas high schools, including Lakewood High School, which started Aug. 10. With fresh construction in the place of old buildings, new teachers being welcomed in and the recruiting of clubs, sports and other extracurricular activities – this year is starting off with a bang.

Principal Erin Savage said she was nervous the night before, as she is every year, but now that school is back, she is excited for what’s ahead and her following through with her goals.

“The new energy, seeing the kids happy, smiling and coming back – it’s the best part of this time of year,” Savage said.

One of her biggest goals for 2022-2023 is to be more involved in all aspects of Lakewood, along with working to “get COVID behind us.”

Things such as dress code have not changed, neither has the bell schedule or lunch times, however there are still changes. Lakewood has new gym locker rooms and classrooms, the district is increasing support for tested areas and every student is getting computers this year, for example. Classes still begin at 7:10 AM and dismissal is at 1:55 PM.